目前分類:Articles of My honey (7)

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Canada, Ottawa February 22 @10PM was the time. It started all January 1 2007. After leaving Taiwan again alone. I had the feeling something had to change this year. A long distance relation is getting harder than expected. Even though there is someone caring about you on a distance. And you can feel the love from another continent. It's still different from the moments we spent together.

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Again a while ago that I post an article in my blog but the comment of a very special person made me think about it. As we still don't live together and each on another continent. We don't really know each other like other couples who are together 15 months (tomorrow). When we see each other by webcam we just discuss daily things like what we did that day or what the plans are for the coming days. Via MSN chat or cam conversations it's quite difficult to express yourself. Sometimes I have the feeling that my special girl is mad at me but then she seems just tired or has to finish some work. The tireness I can really imagine very well. As at this moment we have a time difference of 7 hours to beat. And this is not exactly a slow period of the year with work. I arrive home relatively late these days. My special girl is almost all the times waiting to see me. This is something I really appriciate and this shows to me how much she cares about me. If we should live the other way around, so me in a +7 hours part of the world. I would have done the same. As living seperated from each other is already really hard but without seeing each other it would be reallt tough.

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Really nice that a die hard blog fan is pushing me to post a blog article again. Guess that the ones who have been visiting this page frequently hoping for any new article are quite disappointed in my frequency of writing.

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September  1 I left for a long journey via Netherlands to Asia. In Netherlands I attended the yearly family weekend. It was fun as always though I felt a little strange this time. My girl friend wasn't there while we have a relationship for almost a year that time. Anyhow the sad feeling didn't last too long as I know that I would met her again on Thursday September 7. 

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Guess it's time for a  new post I was thinking. Here it comes... Finally I got the green light to visit Asia again. Nothing strange on first sight. But to me this is going back to the beginning how I met a very special girl. 

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Hmmm, it seems I have a big fan of my blog whom I disappoint every time when she's checkig my specal on the virtual high way. Overal some people have checked my space looking at the visitor hits.
As I am not really the writing type in my private life it's hard to make time for it. Or at least take time for it. Writing this it's kind of fun and not hard at all. Guess after a few more tries I will become more a blogger type and write about everything crossing my mind.

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Hello to everybody who is reading this from all over the world. The tittle says enough I guess. It's my first blog and first global published article from my hand. Would like to thank my girlfriend who started hers some time ago with success as she have had many visitors and comments already.

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